Government Issues Warning to Google Chrome Users Urged to Update the App for Security

Government Issues Warning to Google Chrome
Government Issues Warning to Google Chrome

Government Issues Warning to Google Chrome Users: It was reported that by CERT-In the fact that Google Chrome needs to be up-to-date.

Since there could be weaknesses in the software that could be a threat in the protection of users.

If Google Chrome isn’t updated and hackers are able to take advantage of it to obtain private information of users. In this case it is recommended that all users update Google Chrome.


  1. CERT-In has asked for an update to Google Chrome.
  2. This alert was released under CIVN-2024-0131.

Government Issues Warning to Google Chrome Users

The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) of the Government of India has given a severe caution for Google Chrome user.

The warning was issued in relation to vulnerabilities that are present in Chrome OS. The government agency has requested to upgrade Google Chrome. The alert is in accordance with CIVN-2024-0031.

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Make a change to Google Chrome immediately

Security Attention has been paid to serious security flaws that affect Google Chrome OS versions prior to 114.0.5735.350 (platform version 15437.90.0) on the LTS channel.

It has been stated by the agency of the government that Google Chrome must be upgraded. Since there could be weaknesses in the software that could be a threat in the protection of users.

If Google Chrome is not up-to-date it is vulnerable to hackers who can make use from it and steal personal data. In such a case it is recommended that all users update Chrome.

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How do I update?

To upgrade Google Chrome, users will be required to follow certain steps.

Step 1. Open Google Chrome.

Step 2. Click on the upper right-hand corner of your window, and then tap on three dots.

Step 3 The option to Help will pop up and choose Google Chrome.

Step 4 If an update is available, then install it.

Step 5 After you have installed it the program, it will automatically update.

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